60 Capsules
Take one in morning and one at night.
Why LungPurity? Suggested Serving Essential Vitamins for Lung Health FAQ Supplement Fact Ingredient
Why LungPurity ?


Your lungs work hard by taking more than 20,000 breaths daily. Lungs are complex organs; Chemicals, Germs, Dirt, Fibers, Dust, and even things you might not think are dangerous can damage your airways and compromise breathing. LungPurity may help improve and maintain lung health by providing nutritional support to the respiratory system.

LungPurity may aid healthy breathing by maintaining efficient lung functions such as:
  • Ease coughing and congestion
  • Encourage healthy mucous membranes
  • Soothe irritated airways associated with bronchitis
  • Support normal breathing all year round
*This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Suggested Serving
The recommended dosage is one capsule taken twice daily. One in the morning, and one in the evening must be taken with a meal to prevent stomach irritation.

*As with any dietary supplement, consult your health care practitioner before using this product, especially if you experience any allergic reactions or have an existing condition.

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Essential Vitamins for Lung Health
If you are already taking a multivitamin, please check that it includes the vitamins and minerals listed below for better results. If you are not currently taking multivitamins, we suggest you take this dietary supplement with any other multivitamin that contains these vitamins to enhance effectiveness.

Vitamin C
A powerful antioxidant that rids and protects the body from free radicals. Taking Vitamin C regularly may help rebuild healthy lung tissue and protect against pollutants.

B Complex Vitamins
It helps promote red blood cell formations and immune system functions.

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Q:Can I take a variety of dietary supplements at the same time?
A: Yes, this range of products is a source of dietary nutritional supplements; they are similar to food. Two to three kinds can be taken together, only after meals. For more than three kinds, the fourth and/or fifth kind can be separated by two hours for easy absorption.

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Supplement Facts

Supplement Fact

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  Ingredient Amount per serving (1 cap)
LL-Plex   Proprietary Blend750 mg
Ironweed Veronica Angustifolia root, Rehmannia Rehmannia Glutinosa herb
Lungwort Pulmonaria Officinalis aerial200 mg
Wild Cherry Prunus Virginiana bark50 mg

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Ironweed (root) Veronica angustifolia
ironweed   An indigenous, perennial, coarse, purplish-green weed, Ironweed Root is a bitter tonic and alternative that is taken in the form of a powder to stimulate appetite and promote digestion.
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Rehmannia (herb) Rehmannia glutinosa
rehmannia   Rehmannia Glutinosa, also known as Chinese Foxglove, is a herb with reddish-violet flowers native to China, Japan, and Korea. It helps protect and support the liver, adrenal glands, and the heart.
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Lungwort (aerial) Pulmonaria officinalis
lungwort   Lungwort is a perennial plant that may help in the production of mucus, and also has antioxidant properties.
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Wild Cherry (bark) Prunus Virginiana
wild_cherry_bark   Wild Cherry is most commonly used in cough syrup formulas, or administered as a tea or extract.

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UPC Barcode and Number   Certificate of Free Sale
upc UPC: 721405357628   LungPurity Certificate of Free Sale
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American Nutrition Supplements BioTech, Inc. 美國天然營養品生技公司